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Mexican immigration is rightful

5 février 2014


mur_usa-mexique   During our trek, still far from our goal, we’ve met these… works of art. Yes I prefer call it “works of art” than “coffins”. “Coffins” is a word too much real… The question is:  Do we have to accept the reality at the risk to be discouraged or Do we have to ignore this reality to keep the goal in sight?

This image was, I think one the most significant of my poor little golf of journalist who tries to understand the problems of others. I was feeling stupid to take this picture because of all the respect I have for all the unfair victims of this immigrants’ genocide. But I hope propagate it to choked everyone. 

5 février 2014


For many days now, this video is playing in a loop on the web. So I’ve decided to show it to my new brother of misery although I’m a fake one. What was their first reaction? Deeply choked by the stupidity of the “game”. How can we call it a game? That’s not a simple game for them; they just risked their life to make the things changed. To my way of thinking, and I’m completely sure they think like me, it’s a high mark of disrespect. Tourists do that to entertain themselves and to make their life something perilous, to go out of their routine, to have some adrenaline?! Is it this kind of hobbies that rich people have? So pathetic should we shout to the world. 

5 février 2014



Last week, I had the opportunity to live an experience that the 21st century, a century of modernity and progress, should not impose to live. I’ve lived an experience that many Americans should live to understand what they are against and mainly make them aware that this kind of fact is not even human to live. In the course of the USA/Mexico border, I’ve met a nice group of Mexicans people. At first glance I was sure that by my status of journalist they were not going to accept me. But I was wrong. They generously opened their arms. They told me why: they are, I quote “fed up of the turning that takes life for us, fed up to lost sister, brother, fed up to fight for our happiness, fed up to fight for rights and chances that others have from their birth and ruins it without knowing the values”. Finally they are tired about the fact that a minority of poor people can be still dominating by a majority of rich people. We all know that money is THE base of the world, but in this situation we can observe how pathetic we are, us, “rich” and “advantaged” people, to still believing that we’re going to reach the top of the world with our insulting money. THESE people are persons, to my way of thinking, who are perfectly aware of the life, the real I mean, not our meaning of the word “life” with our pitiful problems. 

Mexican immigration is rightful
  • Welcome everyone! This blog is the one you have to follow, because I'm going to upload the most I can, some informations about the problems of Mexicans' immigrants and to make you realize that still nowadays they are victims of a huge injustice!
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